by admin | Jul 1, 2015 | Investment, News
As the world economy and energy use both grew in 2014, renewables continued their rapid rise − but carbon emissions did not. By Alex Kirby LONDON, 27 June, 2015 − A significant threshold has been crossed by renewable energy as analysts report that the sectorʼs size...
by admin | Jun 27, 2015 | Mentorship, News
by Eamonn Percy Habit #1 – Know Your Numbers June 25, 2015 – When I am assessing a business or leader of that business, I listen carefully during the first few minutes of the conversation for the sign of a number, any number! If I hear it, I draw a sigh of...
by admin | Jun 27, 2015 | News
As the world economy and energy use both grew in 2014, renewables continued their rapid rise − but carbon emissions did not. By Alex Kirby LONDON, 27 June, 2015 − A significant threshold has been crossed by renewable energy as analysts report that the sectorʼs size...
by admin | Jun 26, 2015 | Mentorship, News
By Marc Stoiber Recently, I was discussing new speech topics with an agency that books some of my keynotes. Several topics piqued their interest. But when I mentioned bootstrap marketing, they lit up like a Christmas tree. Bootstrap is back with a vengeance. I’ve been...
by admin | Jun 19, 2015 | Mentorship, Portfolio, Report Category 1
by John Teel Creating any new product is an expensive process. That’s even more true of a physical product, especially a hardware tech product. You can expect a minimum of $10,000 in development costs to get a working prototype — for the simplest type of product....