Renewable energy redoubles its global reach

Renewable energy redoubles its global reach

As the world economy and energy use both grew in 2014, renewables continued their rapid rise − but carbon emissions did not. By Alex Kirby LONDON, 27 June, 2015 − A significant threshold has been crossed by renewable energy as analysts report that the sectorʼs size...
Renewable energy redoubles its global reach

Renewable energy redoubles its global reach

As the world economy and energy use both grew in 2014, renewables continued their rapid rise − but carbon emissions did not. By Alex Kirby LONDON, 27 June, 2015 − A significant threshold has been crossed by renewable energy as analysts report that the sectorʼs size...
A Fresh Take on Bootstrap Marketing

A Fresh Take on Bootstrap Marketing

By Marc Stoiber Recently, I was discussing new speech topics with an agency that books some of my keynotes. Several topics piqued their interest. But when I mentioned bootstrap marketing, they lit up like a Christmas tree. Bootstrap is back with a vengeance. I’ve been...