Market Channel & Investment Support



Global demand for clean technology products and solutions has been growing rapidly over the last decade. For many innovative companies, assessing the full potential for their products and services can be a challenge given their limited human resource capacities and the range of ever evolving domestic and global market opportunities.

At the same time, investors are looking to identify industry leaders with the product and management expertise to add value to their investment portfolios within certain risk profiles.

GLOBE’s position in the marketplace as an enabler of clean technology sector development with an extensive network of industry connections can provide value to key stakeholders though our dedicated market support services.


  • Identify new markets for a company’s product(s) and/or solution(s);
  • Evaluate the potential of a specific product / solution in the marketplace and against the competition;
  • Better position a company against domestic and international competitors; and
  • Develop a market penetration strategy that best reflects product lifecycle stage, current market demands, and considers the competition’s strengths and weaknesses.


GLOBE’s clean technology market channel support services are designed to:

  • Provide a competitiveness audit to help companies better understand product commercialization readiness and  position against competitors;
  • Accelerate market adoption of clean technology-based solutions through third-party testing and verification in partnership with our GLOBE Performance Solutions subsidiary;
  • Provide reliable market intelligence to quantify market size, identify market trends, and competitor strengths and weaknesses;
  • Provide consultative support to quantify potential market capture;
  • Assist clients develop a market penetration strategy based on their competitive strengths and market opportunities; and
  • Facilitate partnership development through GLOBE’s extensive international network.


  • A market penetration strategy to enter strategically chosen target markets in a prioritized fashion.
  • Provide an overview of investment ready companies and technologies to interested investors.
  • A professional report summarizing key market intelligence information and a prioritized set tactics to realize their true market growth potential.
  • Ongoing consultative support for clients to implement recommendations and overarching strategic plan.


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